5 comments on “The Blaring Silence explained…

  1. This was not the ending I was expecting, for some reason I started reading some of your other posts and saved this one for last. I have written a relationship evaluation book that I’m needing additional feedback on, pretty much people in relationships or who have been in relationships at some point in time. Your story really brought out the human price paid when relationships have issues. Wishing you and your family the best of luck with this. Take Care

    • Thank you for your kind wishes. Sorry for my super late response. As you well now, my family life has been somewhat consuming. Your book sounds very interesting. If there is something I have learned through all of this, it’s that no relationship is immune from severe hardship. And that most of the time, people just keep their struggles a secret. It’s unfortunate when we can all use your hurts to help others. How the world would be a better place if we didn’t put up false images of perfection. Good luck to you in your writing endeavors, and while I’m at it, good luck in your relationships as well! 😉

  2. What? What?! Oh my goodness, this is wonderful news. I’m completely blown away by your (very public) faithfulness that reconciliation would happen. I’m so glad that it looks like a happy ending is coming to your family. I hope your friends will gather around and embrace your husband back into the fold the same way they embraced you while he was gone. Amazing. Truly amazing. Thank you for sharing your story, I’m so inspired.

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